Angel Longevity Medical Center

What Patients Say

Thank you very much for advising me to take the thyroid hormone, I have tried all routes of anti-aging and performance enhancing supplements but they did not do much. But the moment I started on

Although you can’t make your biological clock run backwards, hormone replacement therapy can handle some of the effects of the aging process so you can have more energy and feel younger.

I have had severe pains in my lower back, groin, leg, knee and ankle, which were getting progressively worse for over a year. After 2 weeks on the hormones prescribed by Dr Mathur the pains

I have been on this hormone therapy for 3 months and I have noticed that I have more endurance. I last longer during the day. I can now walk further each day. I am looking

Since being on this program I have energy enough to complete cycles of action and my memory is better. I don’t feel hopeless.

After a few months of treatment with Dr Mathur I am stronger and healthier than I have been in years. The Doctor is very careful and thorough in adjusting the hormones and supplements and the

The hormone therapy Anju has set up for me has accomplished the following: 26 lbs weight loss Increased energy Vibrant skin and lot less dry Increased memory and acuity A significant decline in stress I am

I started hormone replacement therapy in January for hot flashes, night sweats, And “the jitters”. 4 months later, I have no hot flashes, no night sweats and I am more calm and happy, with a

I would like to thank Dr Anju for what I would consider a miraculous recovery. When I went to the center last August I could not sit in a chair for 2 hours with out

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